miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

How Fatten buttocks and have a rear Spectacular

It is often quite difficult to mold, reduce or enlarge certain parts of the body such as the back. However, here we can tell how fat buttocks and achieve perfect buttocks. If you are looking for aguaje Pills you can visit www.curvyfruit.com

The interesting thing about this is that you do naturally, without unsafe injections or surgical interventions of dubious medical practice. Our tips are basically two: adequate food and exercises targeted.

How buttocks fat without pills or expensive surgeries

1. Exercises

Let's focus on the buttocks first, then the hips, so that the growth of the area is harmonious.

On the floor, his hands and knees supported, raise one leg bent up and keep 5 seconds with the gluteal muscles contracted as much as possible. Return to the starting position.

Then do the same with the other leg. This exercise is best done based on time and not in repetitions of 10 to 15 minutes will be fine.

Remember acompasar exercise with breathing, inhale to lift the leg and exhale to lower it. You get tired less and you'll hold the stipulated time.

Then do the same with the other leg. This exercise is best done based on time and not in repetitions of 10 to 15 minutes will be fine.

Remember acompasar exercise with breathing, inhale to lift the leg and exhale to lower it. You get tired less and you'll hold the stipulated time.

Another good exercise is to fatten the buttocks stand up, bend one knee, ankle and take lift the leg back as you can, pulling up the ankle. Hold this position for a few seconds and try to keep balance.

Lower and repeat with the other leg. Again, this time we prefer to focus on the time and not in reruns. Do this for 10 minutes.

The back should be as straight as possible, and right symmetrical legs.

Hip, cycling is perfect. If you're in the gym, put some resistance to be truly effective. If you're in a "real" seeks that the ground slopes you so hard you try.

Try to maintain a constant speed between 25 and 30 km per hour, and do at least 20 minutes.

All aerobics and walking are good for strengthening the hips and buttocks, and give them strength.

2. Food

Much is said about proteins, and most importantly they are a favorite food of the muscles. So if you want to increase this part of your body, here are some things you should eat and others that you should avoid:

The yes:
Chicken, turkey, fish, beef, pork.

Complex carbohydrates like rice and whole wheat pasta, cassava, taro and yams, sweet potatoes and similar tubers.

Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, are an essential source of health to increase the buttocks, and the best are apples, berries (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries ...), bananas; broccoli, spinach, lettuce, and a long etcetera lucky.

Those who do not:
Foods high in fat (simple carbohydrates, junk food) and sugars.

Desserts, bakery, all this gives you bad fat will make you fat whole body (not just the buttocks) and you will feel heavy, bloated and out of energy.

Finally, if you want to learn exactly how fat buttocks without investing too much time or work, you have to use the program GLÚTEOS SCANDAL, Sofia Santeliz. This system is not a very strict diet or routine hours and hours in the gym.

By contrast, just enough to eat "certain" foods with the power to sculpt your body and buttocks. And all of them are detailed there, along with a few exercises for fat buttocks that are sufficient to enlarge tucola 2 to 3 centimeters in less than 5 weeks.

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